About Us
Located at the foot of majestic Pikes Peak in Colorado Springs, Colorado, SMMUG (Silicon Mountain Macintosh User Group) is a fun Apple computer club and a non-profit Colorado educational corporation – 501(c)(3). SMMUG is dedicated to helping people enjoy and learn about their Apple products (Macintosh computers, iPhones, iPads and iPods). We were formed in 1985, making us one of the oldest Mac User Groups (MUG) in the United States.

We welcome everyone, especially new users. Our regular Monday General Meetings are FREE and open to members and nonmembers alike. Please come to a meeting and see how SMMUG can help you discover even more ways to enjoy your Apple mobile devices and Macintosh computer! We do programs on other tech too, like home security, building or expanding a home WiFi network, and the latest Mac and iOS apps too.
Board of Directors for 2023
Position | Name |
President | Jim Johnson |
Vice President | Mark Griffith |
Secretary | Mike Marus |
Treasurer | Skip Mundy |
Director At Large | Jeff Jensen |
Director At Large | Guy Johnson |
Director At Large | Sharon Romero |
Director At Large | Ralph Woodard |
Director At Large | Pam Wilson |
Director At Large | Dave St. Andre |
Director At Large |
Key Volunteers for 2023
Position | Name |
Webmaster | Jeff Jensen |
Assistant Webmaster | Ralph Woodard |
Newsletter Editor | Lienna McDonald |
Reviews Editor | Lienna McDonald |
Special Interest Group | Mike Marus |
Prizes Chair | Sharon Romero |
Publicity Chair | Dave St. Andre |