Colorado Springs Apple Group

Serving all of Southern Colorado 

Our Mission

Located at the foot of majestic Pikes Peak in Colorado Springs, Colorado, SMMUG (Silicon Mountain Macintosh User Group) is a fun computer club and a non-profit Colorado educational corporation – 501(c)(3). SMMUG is dedicated to helping people enjoy and learn about their Apple devices (iPhones, iPads, Apple Watches, and Macintosh computers). We were formed in 1985, making us one of the oldest Mac User Groups in the United States.

Our members span all ages and computer skill levels. We strive to make sure we offer benefits to experienced users and new users alike, and everyone in between. We work to provide all with valuable learning experiences, helpful resources, and updates on emerging technology. We share a passion for the wonderful Apple machines and software that have brought such a positive influence to our lives.

Our regular General Meetings are FREE and open to all. Please come see how we can help you discover even more ways to enjoy your Apple experience! We do programs on other tech too, like home security, building or expanding a home WiFi network, and the latest Mac and iOS apps .

Our Team


Vice President



Jim Johnson

Mark Griffith

Skip Mundy

Mike Marus

Soon to appear another row of photos and bios of the Directors at Large and other significant contributors.

Our Location

5550 N. Union Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO 80918





Contact Us