Form to mail
Membership Paper Application Form
Membership Application Form to become a club member. Membership entitles you to access to our online forums, participation in prize drawings, and access to the bargains in the member's area of the SMMUG website at www. SMMUG renewal membership dues ($30) apply to the calendar year and are paid each December for the following year.
Have you previously been a member of SMMUG?
Please make an online account for me. User Name _______________
__ Don’t make an online account for me. I do not want one.
Use the following table for NEW MEMBERSHIP ONLY:
JAN 1 to MAR 31 - $30.00
APR 1 to JUN 30 - $20.00
JUL 1 to SEPT 30 - $15.00
OCT 1 to DEC 31 - $10.00
Please Print Clearly!
Name _____________________________________________
Street Address_______________________________________
Home Telephone_____________________________________
E-mail Address ______________________________________
How did you learn about SMMUG?_________________________
Make your check payable to: SMMUG. Then mail your form & check to:
2100 Wood Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80907-6718