Members Page

Log-ins are temporarily disabled for now.

IF want to Join SMMUG, the join link from home page works.

Members Page

To access Members Only Items, login to see Current Notes, and Comments (in the future). Below the login box is a list of items marked by an asterisk (*) that are club member benefits. Members also have access to presentation slides from General Meetings after they are published.

Really a library of very good tech info.

You must log in as a member. You can easily become a member by going to the Join Us Page or, if you are a member, just rejoin by going to Renew.

Next come back to this Members Page and  Log In, just click on the Red Wording "LOG IN>Here" and enter you member Name & Password and a easy math problem, & a simple code number, and .       LOGIN>HERE.

And enjoy then viewing the member only items below the lines.

To enter the any of the members only items, marked with an asterisk * items like Slides from Monday Meetings Presented Slides* - a treasure of technology, you must login as a member as a member with your - name and password.

The slides are great when you are trying to be reminded by the slides from Monday General Meetings.

Slides from Monday Meetings Presented*    

A list of discounts from Apple, and related Apple stories too. click the Discount link below.

Discounts for Members *

Click on the Cool App List link below,   to view &  scroll through the entire Cool App list (currently just one app, a good example). This App list will have over 100 apps for your Apple devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod) that SMMUG members found over the years, liked a lot, and use, and recommend. Once the previously apps are added, this list of apps will be a great resource for members.

Cool Apps List *

We plan to rebuild the large list.  Just scroll through the list and you’ll find something you would like. Eventually we Plan add to add a box , which will allow you to search the whole list by entering an app a term, which will search the whole list of Apps for you entered by members. The original software did that.  For example, type the word “news”, and see apps related to news apps.