Slides from Meetings

Below are brief descriptions of presentations and briefings given at SMMUG General Meetings.  Not all meetings include slides, some are done with only demonstrations. The slides below are all in PDF format.  Click on the link to view the slides, or hold down the option key and click on the link to download the PDF of the slides.

AI presentation on July 8th, 2024 by Jim Johnson and Mark Griffith. Jim and Mark gave a very good demo on some of the uses of AI software.  Jim and Mark show an example like Chat/GPT, Click here to view the presentation.

1. Smart Home presentation on June 13th, 2022 General Meeting by Jeff Jensen and Jim Johnson. The result of a $ 200 Prize given out at the January 2022 meeting. Covers Jeff’s smart home plan, and some of the many device types and kinds for a smart security home. Click here to view the slides.

2. E-Presentation at General Meeting March 14, 2022. Jim Johnson and Mark Griffith gave a presentation on E-Mail and it uses. Click here to view Jim’s slides. Click here to view Mark Griffith’s slides.

3. Swift Publisher presentation by Guy Johnson at General Meeting February 14, 2022. Guy built slides as we watched. Swift Publisher looks like one of the early Apple Macintosh applications. Easy to figure out, intuitive to use. Click here to view Guy’s slides.

4. Pages presentation by Mark Pimentel vs. Guy Johnson’s Sift Publisher tool at the General Meeting Feb 14, 2022. Pages comes with your Mac, iPad, or iPhone. Pages is a very powerful word processing & set up tool, and it is free with your device. Better than MS Word. Click Here to view Mark’s slides.

5. Smart Home briefing by Jim Johnson at General Meeting January 10, 2022.
Click here to view the entire briefing. It is excellent, and covers the field of Smart Homes.

6. Zoom video of David Cox’s Tech Talk Presentations – Updated for 2022.
Click here to see David Cox’s Presentations. Passcode: 9gM$uf?G   If Needed.

7. Customizing iOS 14 – Jan 2021
Mike Marus shared some tips on using some of the iOS 14 features on iPhone and iPad. Enjoy  iOS Customization

8. Home Networks – Jim Johnson – February 2020
Part 1 of series of talks on Home Networks.  This covered the available Interest Services available in Colorado Springs, LAN/WAN, wiring and/or wireless, and a discussion of how he does it at his house. See Jim’s slides at Jim’s 2.10.2020 Home Network.

9. Learning Ops – Skip Mundy – January 2020
A great presentation on 13 January 2020 General Meeting that contains a list of places, many of which are web sites with live links.  Skip is a life-long learner. And he knows a lot about Apple devices and photography. Learning Ops PDF.

10. Mac TuneUp – Mark Pimentel – January 2019
Here are the slides that Mark Pimentel showed us at the January 2019 General Meeting. They are how to do a tune-up on your mac and to maybe solve some problem you may have. Here are the Keynote Slides. Here is a PDF version for those that don’t have Keynote. Mac Tuneup PDF

11. Music Services – Jim Johnson – April 2017
You can still download and play music on your iPod, but the latest thing is streaming music services. Apple has one (Apple Music), but there are several other competitors of note.  Click the link to view a brief history and a discussion of what is available now: Music Services April 2017

12. Cables, Connectors, and Interfaces (oh my) – Jim Johnson – February 2017
The growing number of types of ports, cables, and interfaces is somewhat bewildering. This briefing covers just about all of the different ones we have now, and some that are coming in the next year. Click the link to see pictures and descriptions of all this hardware: Cabling Presentation February 2017

14.  Fixing Mac Issues – Jim Johnson – January 2017
There are built-in applications that can help you fix issues with your Mac. There are also some third-party applications that can help you get out of a jam. This briefing covers both. Click the link: Fixing Mac Issues January 2017

15. New Apple Operating Systems – Sierra (10.12), iOS 10, tvOS, and watchOS 3.0 – Jim Johnson – October 2016
Lots of new software was introduced recently.  This briefing covers the big changes in all four of Apple’s nifty software. Click the link to see what has been updated or changed: New Apple Operating Systems October 2016

16. Mac Anti-virus Applications – Jim Johnson – September 2016
In the past, Apple users never needed to worry about viruses and malware. But with more Apple computers online, this is no longer true.  These slides are a good guide to applications that are now available to protect your Mac. Click: Mac Anti-virus September 2016

17. Cutting the Cable Part 1 and 2 – Jim Johnson – June 2016
Lots of good information on how-to and the cost savings that might be available if you can use other sources for your entertainment. Cutting the cable to the cable companies or satellite providers is a growing trend in today’s world. Click the link to review all the detail that was presented in both Part 1 and Part 2: Cutting the Cable Part 1 and 2 June 2016

18. Communication & Collaboration – Jim Johnson – March 2016
A discussion of communication & collaboration, including apps, applications, text, and video. Click the link:  SMMUG Comms and Collab March 2016

19. Home Automation – Jim Johnson – January 2016
A great briefing on the current state of home automation technology.  Includes not only the offerings from Apple but covers the field of devices and software from other top vendors in the field of Home Automation.  Click the link to view the slides: Home Automation slides January 2016

20. Financial Software – Jim Johnson, Jeff Jensen, Mike Marus, Skip Mundy – July 2016
A presentation of Financial Software for Macs and mobile Apple devices. Covered were Quicken, Mint, SEE Finance, and Banktivity (formerly iBank 5). Click the following link to view the slides: Financial Slides

21. iCommunication and Collaboration – Mark Griffith, Jim Johnson, and Jeff Jensen – March 2016
Mobile apps & applications for your Mac were discussed and demonstrated. Included were Skype, Transporter, Dropbox, Team Viewer, Facebook, and Messages. Click the link to see the slides: Communications & Collaboration